Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Holiday season seems to bring more: More food, more decor and more shopping. It doesn’t have be this way. It doesn’t have the power to overwhelm you, or make you feel stressed and burned out. Today, I share 11 amazing ways to simplify your life and declutter before the holidays.

Let’s all simplify, so that we can all enjoy (and celebrate!) the holidays together. Enjoy the holiday season even more

I have written previously about planning for a simpler holiday season. Here are some tips on how to manage the gift influx while simplifying and decluttering. A great post on simplifying the holiday season can be found here.

Today, however, I will share 11 quick and easy ways to declutter and simplify your life before the holidays.

These tips will help you approach the holidays with a mindset of less. It will be easier to manage all the holiday extras if you keep things simple.

It is never too late or too early to declutter and simplify your home before the holidays. You will make your holiday preparations easier by simplifying your home, life, and mindset.

It will make you feel less stressed and overwhelmed by spending some time simplifying your life before the holidays. This will allow you to enjoy the holidays more and make the most of the new year.

It’s all about progress and not perfection

Today, I share 11 ways to simplify your life and get rid of clutter before the holidays. It doesn’t matter what it is, but you can make the most impact on your home or your life. Find out what’s causing you stress right now, and then tackle it. You can also hire a professional organizer Myrtle Beach SC to help you out.

These ideas can be used as a guideline to help you get started. You can choose the ones that are most important to you by eliminating your stressors before the holidays.

You don’t have to be stressed or put pressure on yourself to declutter and simplify your life before the holidays. Do your best, but don’t forget to strive for perfection.

You don’t have to do an exhaustive job right away, but you should do as much as you can. Your holiday season will be easier and more enjoyable if you start decluttering now.

How to simplify and declutter your home before the holidays

Let’s get into it! These are 11 easy and practical ways to simplify your life and declutter before the holidays.

Christmas and holiday decor

When decorating for the upcoming holidays, make sure to quickly go through all of your holiday and Christmas decorations. You can get rid of any decorations that you don’t like, don’t want to put out or aren’t needed.

After you’re done decorating, be sure to keep an eye out for holiday decorations that you don’t love. You should get rid of anything that makes you unhappy, frustrates you, or just doesn’t add value to your home.

You should only keep holiday decorations that you are passionate about or use often. You don’t have to keep it if you don’t love it or use it regularly.

Simplify your kitchen

Today, I will talk about the importance of decluttering and simplifying your kitchen before the holidays.

Holidays are a time to host more baking, cooking and entertaining. It’s easy to simplify your kitchen and make hosting more fun.

When you are decluttering your home before the holidays, there are two areas that you should focus on.

Clear your kitchen’s flat surfaces (countertops and dining table). Your kitchen will look cleaner and more organized, which is a great bonus for guests and family. Clear countertops and surfaces make it so much easier to cook, bake, serve, clean up, and host.

Clean out your fridge, freezer, and pantry. Don’t keep anything that has gone bad or expired. Donate any food that is still edible but not usable to the food bank.

After you’re done decluttering, give everything a quick wipe. Next, organize your fridge, freezer and pantry quickly to make it easy for you to find what you need and what you have.

You will be able to make space in your pantry, fridge, and freezer for any extra food you might need over the holidays. A clutter-free, well-organized fridge, freezer, and pantry will make hosting the holidays easy.

Declutter toys

It’s a good idea to declutter toys before the holidays if you have children. It’s easier to declutter your toys before the holidays, knowing that your children will be receiving new toys. You and your children won’t feel overwhelmed by new toys after the holidays if you make space now.

It’s a great time for toys that you don’t use anymore or are no longer loved. Are broken, missing parts or outgrown by your children.

It is always a good idea to encourage my children to declutter.

Encourage your children to give toys to others who might not be as fortunate. This is especially important during holidays.

Declutter gift wrapping supplies

This is the perfect time to get rid of all your gift wrapping materials. Don’t keep gift wrapping materials that aren’t in use anymore.

Next, go through your existing gift wrap and supplies before you purchase any new ones. Next, decide what you really need and only purchase what you actually use.

Declutter, simplify and prepare your guest linens

This is a great opportunity to clean out your guest linens (such as towels and bedding) since many of us host friends and family over the holidays.

Take a look at your guest towels and bedding. Make a list of what you use and require for guests. Get rid of towels and bedding that you don’t use or no longer need. Also, get rid of anything that is no longer in use.

After you’ve decluttered your linens, now is a good time to wash and air out any items that you won’t be using.

Declutter clothing

If you have children, it is possible that they will be receiving new clothes as gifts or for the holidays. Do a quick decluttering before the holidays to make room for the new items.

Don’t keep anything that is out of date or no longer needed. If you are asked for gift ideas by family and friends, this is a great time to take note of the things your children need.

It’s a great time for you to start decluttering your clothes. Look through your daily clothes to see what you can let go.

This is also a great time to organize your holiday/party/dressy clothing. While you’re getting ready for holiday events or parties, take a look at your dressy clothes.

Is there anything you don’t like, can’t afford, or just don’t want anymore? I challenge myself to think about whether I will ever wear something I don’t like this year.

This is a great opportunity to get rid of any excess dressy clothes. You should keep your favorite pieces, the ones you love and feel great in. Get rid of anything you don’t like, feel great in or wear.

Make your makeup collection simpler

Your makeup collection is another area you can declutter before the holidays.

Make sure you go through your makeup collection before you get ready for holiday parties and other events. Remember that makeup does not last forever.

It is easy to keep extra makeup that we intend to use for special occasions or fancier occasions. This is a great opportunity to evaluate your makeup and get rid off any expired products or items you don’t use. As you prepare for the holiday season, think about whether you will ever use what you don’t need.

Declutter seasonal gear

Your seasonal gear, such as coats, mittens and boots, is another great place to get rid of before the holidays. You and your family should get rid of any items you no longer need, love or use. Also, get rid of anything that is no longer in use.

You can also donate excess items to someone who might really use them during the colder months. Hosting holiday parties is easier if you make your entryway simpler.

Your guests will be greeted in a clean, clutter-free entrance. There will be plenty of space for guests’ coats to hang when they visit.

Perform a complete house sweep

A quick sweep of the entire house is another great way to clear clutter before the holidays. This is one of my favorite ways to get rid of clutter. It’s also an excellent way to simplify your home before the holidays.

Take a bag or a basket and go through your home looking for items you don’t need, love or use. This is a great opportunity to get rid of decor items that you don’t love or use. This is especially true if you have holiday decor.

It will be easier to keep your home clean and clutter-free during the holiday season if you can get rid of as many items as possible.

Declutter your mindset

This is not a traditional project for decluttering, but it is important to clear your mind before and after the holidays.

Avoid setting unrealistic expectations or standards for yourself during the holidays. Instead, embrace a a mindset that things may be imperfect but it will still be fine during the holidays.

Give yourself some room to relax and make the holidays you and your family will enjoy. Do not try to be perfect. You will end up exhausted, burned out, stressed, as well as overwhelmed.

Reduce your obligations

Simplifying your holiday obligations is another great way to simplify holidays.

It is okay to take a slower pace and do less during the holidays. You and your family will have a more relaxing, stress-free, and enjoyable holiday season if you do less.

Remember that saying yes to one thing means you are saying no to another. Your “yeses” should be reserved for the most important things to you. Don’t feel obliged or guilted to attend. Don’t hesitate to get organizing help Brunswick NC if you need the assistance of a professional.

Call Brunswick Organizing Solutions if you need the help of professional organizers in decluttering your home.

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Leland, NC 28451

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Shallotte, NC 28470

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Cities Served
Leland, Wilmington, Shallotte, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Southport, Bolivia, St. James, Oak Island, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, Carolina Shores, Calabash, Castle Hayne, Burgaw – Brunswick and Horry County

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