Friday, July 23, 2021


Your surroundings have a significant influence on your mental health. Imagine the difference between living in a well-organized and orderly home and a messy and disorganized space. The first one makes you feel in control, safe, and calm while the second one makes you feel anxious, frustrated, and overwhelmed. That’s why you need to declutter.

There’s a reason why you feel stressed out when you’re in cluttered spaces. The human brain can only absorb and process so much information from the outside world. With so many smells, sounds, sights, and sensations that compete for your attention, it can be challenging for the brain to process all at once.

Anxiety and Depression

Did you know that clutter can cause depression? Studies say that clutter can make you feel frustrated because it invades your home, which is your safe space. But, we also don’t know where to begin when it comes to decluttering so you end up feeling overwhelmed and helpless.

If you don’t do anything, the clutter will build up and increase your frustration. Apart from that, you might feel guilty for having too many things, irritated when you can’t find what you need, and embarrassed when your friends and family see your mess.

Not only that, your brain is struggling to juggle all of the stimuli in your environment, which will make it difficult for you to rest. Having so many things around you can make you feel more distressed as it reminds you of all things that you have not accomplished. That’s why organizing is crucial.

Why Declutter?

This does not mean that you have to get rid of everything you own in order to be happy. When it comes to home organizing Myrtle Beach SC, the trick is to know which ones to keep and what you need to throw, and organizing the things that you keep.

When you’re decluttering, you should sort through paper, books, and clothes first and then go through the things that have sentimental values. You should only keep the items that make you happy and those that align with the lifestyle that you currently have.

You should fold and then store your store vertically. This will help you save space and make it easier for you to find the things you need. You should have drawers with dividers because they’re perfect for storing accessories. Meanwhile, you can hang formal wear, suits, and coats. Brunswick Organizing Solutions can help you have an organized home.

For your documents and photos, consider digitizing them by taking photographs or scanning them. You should only keep essential documents such as your birth certificate and store these files in one folder and label them.

For your kitchen, you should get rid of duplicated and expired items, which is a tip that’s good for downsizing. Don’t forget to clear the counter and be sure to group items that fall under the same category into containers or drawers.

Decluttering is often considered as a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. You should clear one room first before moving to another. Also make the process fun and reward yourself once you’re done.


Call Brunswick Organizing Solutions now if you need the help of professional organizer in decluttering your home.


Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Leland, NC 28451

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Shallotte, NC 28470

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Cities Served
Leland, Wilmington, Shallotte, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Southport, Bolivia, St. James, Oak Island, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, Carolina Shores, Calabash, Castle Hayne, Burgaw – Brunswick and Horry County

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